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Valorem Visions 2.4– Developer Experience

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Valorem Visions 2.4– Developer Experience

Jeff Delezen January 16, 2024


Valorem Visions 2.4– Developer Experience

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In this episode of Valorem Visions, Jeff Delezen dives into Developer Experience and how it will play a crucial role in the coming year.




What is the trend?

So I think to go deeper you've got to first define developer experience and that's the organizational culture and everything that a developer works with or is supported by. So how do you onboard a developer, how do you communicate with them, how do you reduce toil, how do you enable a developer to experiment quickly, get feedback, and test your features? How do you have a platform focus with your developers, do you have an internal developer platform? So given that we've defined developer experience, and I'm saying if you prioritize developer experience you more quickly adopt AI. It's almost true by definition because it's like saying a company that prioritizes doing the right thing is going to be successful. If your developers are not able to access data they need for testing, if you're not able to put your data into AI with confidence that you can expose the results, if you're not able to do this in a secure way and if you're not able to iterate on the outcomes, a company that is able to do that will be more successful. It's clear and it's going to continue and the fact that AI is such a major change in the way that we interact with applications we only exaggerate that. So, what I think the meaning behind the vision or the priority behind the vision is, start prioritizing developer experience.

Why is this trend important?

Developer experience is critically important to making sure that you're able to not only get AI in your production systems but that you're able to change the way that it works internally and externally to your customers. That means, you're able to adapt to your competitors that are also using AI. It's possibly being able to use AI more effectively in other products or leap-frogging where your current industry is. I think it's going to be critically important because in the same way that cloud adoption or moving to the cloud was important on being able to scale up and scale down to meet demand, the usage of your development team to implement AI will or AI itself will be just as critical in the way that applications are exposed to customers and the way that we interact with them. It'll be much more conversational and so you've got to enable that conversation first and I think that all Valorem customers should be thinking about how can you work with Valorem to prioritize your developer experience and the developer productivity that you get as a result of the experience.

What is Valorem Reply doing to prepare for this trend?

Three key points that Valorem is working on with our customers to prepare for this trend mastering GitHub co-pilot, that's number one. Number two, a focus on internal developer platforms and how you onboard developers to your system and how you more quickly give them access to test environments and the feedback from the changes that they're releasing, and number three is getting customers to implement devops and the separation of deployment from release and a metrics program that clearly measures, cleanly measures where your team is performing and where there is still fertile ground to work on.

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