Anand Wong - Hi, my name is Anand Wong and I'm a senior adoption change consultant.
Danny Anil - Hi, my name is Danny Anil. I'm a technical consultant here at Valorem Reply.
Anand Wong - And our Valorem Vision for 2025 is staying connected with Viva Engage.
What is Viva Engage?
Anand Wong - So the trend is that folks are kind of starting to move towards Viva Engage given that the enterprise social network offered by Facebook, Workplace, is now being deprecated. Folks are looking for alternatives to kind of stay connected with their colleagues after you know, COVID, folks, have you know, gotten accustomed to hybrid work and so enterprise social networks are something commonplace in the workplace today, and we're seeing a lot of folks wanting to maintain that functionality with Viva Engage.
Why should we care about enterprise social networks like Viva Engage?
Danny Anil - So having the ability to connect and staying in connection is basic human nature and it applies both in our personal life and also in our corporate life. It is very important for employees within organizations to be able to share their thoughts, their ideas and also mainly to connect with each other because it is very essential and most often how different organization do it is through enterprise social platforms like Viva Engage, Meta Workplace, so it's very important. So since Workplace or Meta Workplace is being deprecated, right, so companies are in the process of evaluating on what are the other better tools that are out there and Viva Engage, Microsoft’s own enterprise social platform, is up to the mark and offering extensive capabilities and how first it enables people with the ability to connect and also stay connected across. And the greatest advantage is that it's all within the flow of your work within your Microsoft Teams environment itself, so.
How can Valorem Reply help with moving to Viva Engage?
Anand Wong - Yeah so we actually have a proprietary tool that we use to migrate content from enterprise social networks, including Workplace to Viva Engage. This allows us to essentially help them identify, scope, and move content that folks want to carry over into Viva Engage and you know it very rarely is this just a pure lift and shift. I mean firstly some of the features don't match up, but what we really try and focus on is refocusing on what's important, refreshing the content and revitalizing the networks that folks are engaged, want to be there, want to jump in and take advantage of the internal networking, of the knowledge of key experts across the organization internally, and frankly speaking just meeting new people and leaders and kind of getting to know folks at their company so that, you know, the content's not old and stale there's not a bunch of useless information there, it's nice, fresh new content that they can engage with and glean some value from.