To help demonstrate OpenAI capabilities and impact for the non-profit sector, Microsoft Tech for Social Impact (TSI) partnered with Valorem Reply, a Microsoft Designated Azure Data & AI Solutions Partner, to develop a cutting-edge solution that would help nonprofit organizations reduce the creative cycle typically associated with producing new donor, patron or community communications. Starting with two mission-critical communications for most nonprofits, general fundraising letters and urgent appeal letters, the Nonprofit Virtual Assistant was born. This powerful Microsoft Teams-based virtual assistant powered by OpenAI simplifies and speeds the letter generation process by prompting users to input key details such as requested funds, disaster details, or campaign page links, and in return, then produces a custom-written letter. Using natural language processing technology, the Nonprofit Virtual Assistant leverages a deep understanding of the non-profit sector to provide relevant suggestions and guidance tailored to the unique context and objectives of your organization, enabling you to respond quickly to emerging needs and opportunities with impactful and persuasive funding request letters and urgent appeals. What might have taken an experienced communications resource over an hour to put together from scratch is now cut down to a few minutes or less, allowing nonprofits to focus more skilled resource time on their core mission. With the Nonprofit Virtual Assistant, nonprofit organizations are able to take advantage of the advanced language capabilities of OpenAI to simplify internal workflows and deepen their connection with their communities, patrons, donors, and stakeholders more effectively than ever before.

We are very excited to help our nonprofit clients take advantage of cutting-edge technology like OpenAI with easy-to-use solutions like the Nonprofit Virtual Assistant. Valorem Reply’s deep commitment to Azure and our nonprofit clients made them the obvious choice for helping us demonstrate the art of what’s possible regardless of organizational size or technical resource availability. These letter writing templates are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what AI can do for this sector and we are excited to see what innovative solutions partners like Valorem Reply will build to help these clients drive impact and do more good.
Arturo Diaz Manzo, Global Azure Lead, Microsoft Tech for Social Impact
At Valorem Reply, we strongly believe in building solutions that deliver tangible organizational impact regardless of the size and tech maturity. AI is positioned to help organizations do more with less like never before but integrating this advanced technology can seem like a daunting task. Especially for nonprofit organizations where resourcing is limited and delivering mission outcomes is sometimes life-saving. We are excited to partner with Microsoft TSI to bring the Nonprofit Virtual Assistant to non-profits, not only to demonstrate how easily AI can be adopted to quickly deliver impact but also enable the nonprofit community to do more good in the communities they serve.
Liji Thomas, Manager Data + AI, Valorem Reply

Challenges and Opportunities

  • Experienced resource time being spent on manual tasks.
  • Time-sensitive communications delayed by creative cycles associated with producing new donor communications.
  • Inconsistent brand messaging and tone across communication resources leads to poor clarity and cohesion in messaging.


  • A Microsoft Teams-based Virtual Assistant powered by OpenAI for generating high-quality fundraising communications.
  • Context-aware AI virtual assistant tailored to the unique context and objectives of nonprofits.
  • Familiar Microsoft Teams-based natural language collaboration to ensure that every communication reflects the organization's vision and aligns with its unique voice and style.


  • Stronger relationships with communities, patrons, donors, and stakeholders.
  • Faster fundraising efforts and increased revenue generation.
  • Greater impact on the community and increased awareness of the nonprofit's mission with impactful and personalized communication.
  • More resilient and adaptable communication strategies for changing needs and circumstances.
  • Enhanced team efficiency and productivity through streamlined communication processes.

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Nonprofit Virtual Assistant

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