
Rene – Hi, welcome to meta minutes, your bite-sized pieces of the metaverse. My name is Rene from Valorem Reply and today we're going to recap season one of Meta Minutes. I have to say the first season here was pretty nice and super insightful and I learned a lot from all our amazing guests and I hope the same was also true for you and you also learned as much as I did and it was a valuable time as it was for me. After we had episode one which was just with me solo and without a guest, giving an introduction and overview to the metaverse, we had no one else than Jon Radoff for episode two and Jon explained his famous seven layers of the metaverse and the value chain and we also visualized it nicely and in general a nice episode and definitely you want to see that just as you want to see all of the rest. If you have not done yet, then we actually had our first episode which was recorded in the metaverse itself. So we talked about the metaverse in a metaverse platform and I had the pleasure to interview my fellow MVP Saskia Groenewegen in our beautiful reply solo world in Altspace VR and we talked about the global XR and the metaverse community and super fun conversation and again it was inside the metaverse platform. So you get a glimpse of that as well. Of course episode four also was done in the metaverse but it brought us into yet another metaverse platform and I talked with Rahel Demant from XR Bootcamp in actually in their very own a Meta horizon workrooms room and they use this internally for XR Bootcamps meetings and so invited me to this one and we had a chat about XR metaverse education but also about another very important topic near and dear to my heart, the diversity which is still a massive problem in our industry and so folks let's fix this, right? Tony Parisi then joined me to talk about his famous seven rules of the metaverse and the very much important topic of interoperability. We had also talked about his new role at Lamina1 and in general about many other amazing things for example, VRML, like, if you're old enough like me you might remember that and of course, Tony was one of the founders of that. Well then we also chatted about the importance of you know these open standards and right now we also have the open metaverse standard forum and of course this is a key element and i'm glad to see that a lot of companies are participating in the metaverse standards forum which is driven by the Kronos group. So yeah interop was a very important topic we chatted about in episode 6 we came back to our Reply solo world in Altspace VR, so I interviewed my Reply colleague and spatial computing community of practice member Nils-Christoph Hogemann in our replay solo world again in Altspace and we talked about also a very important part because we, of course, were both avatars in this world and we talked about virtual presence in digital humans and how important it is for our social and digital identity in the metaverse. And so we covered all facets of this including also the societal aspects and so good stuff to always keep in mind when you think about avatars and virtual humans. Then we had Sebastien Borget from Sandbox and he talked with me about of course the sandbox platform and also in general about decentralized metaverse and the benefits of it with web3 which again, of course, has a lot of benefits. I also asked him about the controversy surrounding this topic of decentralization right with crypto blockchains and NFTs and so make sure to check this out if you want to get some insights about the decentralization and metaverse platforms. In episode 8, I had not one but actually, we had two guests. We had Anja Kielmann and Steffen Huck and we covered the metaverse trend sonar report which is a so-called quantified trend analysis and so we talked about the method they used and they explained it very well to me and so you know you understand really how this data for this report comes together and you know what kind of algorithms and what kind of technology is used there but then of course, we also talked about the findings for the metaverse topics and you can read all of that also in our reply trend sonar report about the metaverse you can find on Tory Smith then talked with me about the real world metaverse and Niantic's approach to geo-localization including the crowdsourcing of spatial data for their very own visual positioning system, the VPS and yeah we talked quite a bit about the VPS in general and you know that are providing a more precise localization in the real world which is for sure an essential piece if we want to make true metaverse experiences happen where we're connecting the physical with the digital mirror world. And now we're herewith the summary of our very first Meta Minutes season. Well, again I hope you also enjoyed it as much as I did and I can tell you it's always a big pleasure to speak with all these famous and amazing people from the industry and you know to host these fantastic guests and have some very insightful conversations. We're already thinking about season two, as you can imagine and we want to hear from you what kind of topics, what kind of feedback do you have, send us the good and the bad feedback of course. That's the only way we can improve right, and even more so send us also any topics you would have in mind for another upcoming meta minutes episodes. Please reach out also if you have a guest in mind or maybe if you want to be a guest. We can talk about it so reach out on the various social media channels or send us a mail whatever you prefer and yeah I would love to hear what we should cover in season two well thank you so much again for joining us for yet another episode of Meta Minutes, your bite-sized pieces of the metaverse. Please watch our blog, follow our social media channel and subscribe to our YouTube. You will hear all about the upcoming episodes and of course, on our website you can always watch the previous ones and you will also get to know when we launch season two well thank you so much take care and see you soon in the metaverse.